Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Shared Experiences

Shared Experiences bond us as people. And adoptive parents have many. In fact, that is why as we head down this adoption road, we find many of our friends who have not adopted dropping out of our lives and we add other adoptive families as our new friends.

Apparently, court is now a shared experience as Cindy and I are both going today and Paula went this week as well. I have mentioned before that I have a touch of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder when it comes to court -- so many weird things have happened to us there.

Hopefully today will be about Mike’s behavior and not about how we are treating Mike, as he has made every other court hearing be about. He’s 55 days away from his 18th birthday. You’d think at some point people would start saying, “you know, son, even if your parents are the worst in the world, you still have some responsibility here.”

But I won’t be surprised if he tries to manipulate one more time and suggest that somehow we’re responsible. I just hope this time, they don’t buy it as they have in the past.

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