Saturday, January 13, 2007

Thinking About Limited Internet Usage for the Children

Last May I took away internet privileges for everyone but Bart and I. Just wiped it out. Cold turkey.

Now I am contemplating giving it back, with limited access and a keystroke recorder that records everything that is written.

I’m debating even getting a more expensive program that would take screenshots every five seconds so I can see everything that is going on.

And I would give each child one hour a day to start with as an experiment. And if I got arguing and lip, it would just reinforce my decision that they really don’t want it back.

It took me a long time to think of any reasons to give it back, but now that Salinda is getting so good at photography and might be able to sell some of her shots and Mike is making some awesome tattoo designs (like the one above that he did, unsolicited, with my name) that he could sell on line, I am thinking there may be some reasons.

So, I’m thinking about it.

Am I stupid?


  1. Hey, Maybe Bart wants to have Mike tattoo your name on his backside! Mike is very talented, you have to admit that! ~Kari

  2. Anonymous3:53 PM

    my opinion, not that it matters to ya, but I think that you should only give internet usage to older and dependable children. I would just give privileges to the ones you thought needed them, like Mike & Salinda, then you won't feel overwhelmed.

  3. It's never stupid to consider the options, is it? So, are you going to get the tattoo?
