Saturday, January 06, 2007

Weird Morning

Salinda had to be at the high school by 7 so I got up and showered at 6:30. I then came home to go back to sleep. I was able fall asleep at about 8, but by 9 I had been awakened from a very long, involved and traumatic dream about a full blown Child Protection investigation of our family, complete with many false allegations. Then, when I figured I really needed to go back to sleep to drain the mermory, I was interrupted 7 times in 45 minutes -- 3 phone calls (all telemarketers) and 4 children. I finally got up. Now I feel a little groggy.

I’m thinking that my blog is getting a little stale and boring lately so I’m going to do something I’ve never done before.

Does anyone have a topic they would like to have me address, a question that’s been burning that they want answered, or a question that they want to throw out to everyone else? If so, feel free to ask (but be nice).


  1. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Could you tell us what your plans are for Mike when he turns 18?

  2. Anonymous3:52 PM

    oooohhhhhhh fun, Q and A with Claudia! :)

    1. Will you talk to me about the ICPC process, the steps involved and what the common hold ups are?

    2. What is your advice for the first time meeting your children?

    3. Specifically in older child adoption, what do you feel are reasonable expectations for the children once they are in your home? Mostly in reference to chores, modest clothing, TV, movies, music.....a lot of kids (mine will be 6-12) get to do things that I am not going to be cool with, I mean, we are not the Gathers (not that there is anything wrong with that ;0 ) but I have a feeling our standards (limited TV, no short skirts/belly shirts, no rated PG-13 movies) are going to seem unreasonable to them. How can I senstively handle this?

    Thanks, Amie :)
