Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Yes, He Did it Again

Mike found a way to be angry with us yet again.

Before court the probation officer's supervisor (becuase as you will recall, his P.O. is basking in California sunshine on her vacation) told us that after talking with Mike he would remain in detention until he went through a chemical dependency assessment. He had told them that he would really rather be in a group home in another town where he had been before.

I laughed and said several things. 1) It wasn't a detention facility and he had run from there multiple times. 2) I doubted they would take him back because they had pressed charges against him for damage to property. 3) He had gotten a dirty UA for smoking pot while he was there a year ago.

I was simply trying to save some time, but when his lawyer brought it up in court, the lawyer for the county quoted us at saying he had not had success there when he was there before. The judge said he did not want to hear about it from us (the lawyer offered that option) because he wasn't planning on putting Mike there anyway.

But of course, now Mike refused to speak to us on his way out.

In addition, Mike used John as his reason for not wanting to be in the facility they are sending him, stating that John had a violent criminal history and he was afraid that the connection with him would make him less safe. (This is supposedly his "closest brother."

It's just amazing how twisted his thinking is. He is saying now that he has smoked pot daily for two months and that he has experimented with several other substances. Last Thursday he supposedly wasn't using very often at all, was not addicted, and hadn't tried anything except marijuana. My guess is that his UA is going to demonstrate minimal marijuana use, but I could be wrong.

But here is the message that he gave today. "I am an addict and I need treatment. While I"m waiting for treatment, can you please let me go back to that place where I smoked pot before?"

His way of thinking is mind boggling.

But once again, his whole life will be our fault. We have ruined his chances at being where he wants to be.

And, by the way, the chemical dependency treatment program that they want to send him to is NOT where his friend is. So his whole plan is getting all messed up. And, if they tell us we have to pay for it, I'm not sure we're going to agree to, which I'm sure sounds horrible.

But I'm not sure he has a chemical dependency problem. I think he just thinks that this is a kind of place that might be more fun than house arrest. But again, God is the only one who REALLY knows, because we don't and Mike sure doesn't.


  1. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I'm sorry you are going through this. It sounds very much like he is twisting and turning, trying to find an escape from the mess he's made for himself.

    How much longer until Mike turns 18?

  2. Been there, done that. We didn't know the answers then, and we don't know the answers now. But do know that we are thinking of you and will pray for your strength and wisdom. And we pray that God will keep Mike safe from himself.
