Saturday, February 24, 2007

10 Hours Straight

Today it's been 10 hours of me working on my presentation for the trip. Had I realized that it was this complicated, I would have done things differently, but this isn't a deadline I can postpone.

We have a huge case of Cabin Fever. The 8th day in a row with no school and everyone is bored out of their skulls. The roads are so bad we can't go anywhere and I'm stuck working.

Dominyk had a complete obsessive meltdown for almost 2 hours until he fell asleep wanting Ben to come over. He probably said it 200 times. "I want Ben to come over" complete with sobbing and tears.

I was thrilled that the girls (Salinda's friend is snowed in here as well) gave him a break from it by turning him into Dominique, but then, when they were done, he completed the fit and then the mascara was rolling down his cheeks. A very disturbing site.

I still have another couple hours to go before I'm done and then I have to pack... I do have some more pictures I want to blog, so I will take a break to do that later as a reward to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! When I first saw that picture I thought it was a friend of one of your girls!

    They did a good job on him! Maybe he could go like that for Halloween...or not.
