Friday, February 23, 2007

Even When There Wasn't One in Site, Bart Found the Hope Train

It is very seldom that my husband is more positive than I. But apparently he has found the hope train and hopped on. I'm still debating whether I'm going to join him or let him go on this ride alone.

But just so you know, I will still go through the motions. I will not stop loving MIke, nor will I stop supporting him. It's just the question of whether or not I can dig up the faith and hope I need to believe that it will matter.

1 comment:

  1. Claudia and Bart, I gotta tell you hanging in there like y'all have done, by constantly reaffirming your love to someone who doesn't seem to care, by not backing down...not only will you have the comfort of knowing you have done all that you can, I truly believe, from experience, that you WILL see the fruits of your labors. It just takes a long, long, long time...Hugs, Cindy
