Friday, February 09, 2007

Not Really Interested, Thanks

Before I get any comments, I need to point out that I realize that a majority of what I will pour out all over everyone this morning is regular parenting of teens junk. I realiize that we made the choice to adopt so many. And all the other disclaimers that I might need to include.

Yesterday, two of my children made it very clear that I was not to be a part of their life when it came to direction, advice, opinions, etc., but only when I was providing financial support or other favors. The problem is, that I'm human, and I'm not really interested in a relationship like that -- the "I'll give, you suck me dry" relationship.

So, it's wake up call time again. The time where I, without emotion, point out that I am not interested in serving until I get an apology (even then, I probably won't be interested for a while, but I can pretend to be).

Then this morning, my youngest daughter dresses for school and does not pass my approval for what is acceptable for a 5th grade girl to wear. Usually I don't have to intervene too much because my daughters make good choices most of the time, but I was the arch enemy today. She told me she wasn't going to change, even though I think she did. I'm debating running down to the elementary school today and popping in on her to check. She would be mortified, but maybe she' think twice next time about telling me that I can't decide what she wears and that she's going to do it anyway.

So, this morning, I'm not really interested in being a parent. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it is universal that some mornings, the parents of any teenagers would just like to escape to an island and drink VIRGIN pina colladas and tan on the beach (and, while I'm stating the highly impossible, I'd like to have a perfect body to tan in).

Instead though, I am going to escape for the afternoon and go out to lunch with friends and to a movie with my husband. It won't be Jamaica, but hopefully it will be refreshing...


  1. DO go to the school, let her know you mean business...that you care even when she pretends she doesn't care. Since you can't/don't drink, you may as well have fun with this.
    I don't drink either, but even a drunk wouldn't approve of some of the outfits these darlings try and get past us.

  2. Hey i want to escape too, are you coming to pick me up lol. Hang in there ... somedays are just whine fests ... i try to remember that even if life sucks down here, God is still on the throne.

  3. I burst out laughing when I read the comment. Because, as I read your post, I thought to myself, Cindy would march right down to taht school LOL

    Kerri in WV

  4. There's normal parenting stuff, there's adoptive kids parenting stuff, and then there's RAD parenting stuff. Sometimes I think the difference between the three is that with the "normal" parenting stuff, you're pretty confident this really is a teenage phase, they will improve and grow up, they will become self-sufficient adults, they do love you and they will accept your love.

    Plus, sometimes, it's a question of degree - like a really active kid vs one who really deserves the "hyperactive" label.
