Sunday, February 04, 2007


Salinda is back spending the night with her best friend, hopefully resolving their relationship. She made the first move today after I explained to her that friendships can be ruined because something silly happens and then both people are too stubborn to say their sorry. She replied, as I predicted, "I didn't do anything wrong. I shouldn't have to say I am sorry."

I explained that many times in my life I have had to say, "I'm sorry we're not getting along. I'm sorry we're not speaking. I really hope we can work it out." And that never once in those situations did I say I had done something wrong, but every time it did help to make the first move.

So, they are working things out. It's getting late -- Bart is doing the daily examen with Dominyk. I am waiting for bedtime. I need it to come.

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