Saturday, February 03, 2007

Tony's Turning 12

Our first son who came over 10 years ago at the age of 20 months, is turning twelve on Monday. We celebrated his birthday last night by going to the mall for him to buy the hat he has been craving for months.

Tony came to us already having learned that women were to be abused. He was so mean to me, even at 20 months. Kicked me, hit me, scratched me . . . but never did any of that to Bart.

He has the most interesting personality, a combination of both birth parents, who we had the privilege of meeting (because he was first our foster son). He is intensely oppositional, annoying beyond measure to his siblings and even to us sometimes, angry, defiant, etc (character traits her recieved from his birthmom) But he is also the most generous, sympathetic and sensitive kid we have sometimes (definitely from his birthdad). So his life is pretty difficult for him... he drives everyone crazy and then cries that nobody will play with him.

He's always been adorable, curly hair and bright blue eyes.

Here he was at 2.

His 3rd birthday:

And the following are pictures from last night's birthday celebration. We couldn't take any pictures of the cake, becuase he wanted tapioca pudding. We didn't risk candles in the pudding.

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