Thursday, February 22, 2007

Way Too Smart for Them

I would hate having a mom like me because I'm just too smart. When I ask them to come up with a reason for something they grab whatever pops into their head and it blurts out of their mouth and apparently they hope that I am going to believe them. Some of them are more sophisticated than others.

Today I found Jimmy in the family room in his boxers. The door was carefully shut, so I knew something was up. Usually I ask the kids to be ready for their day, or at least presentable (especially since Salinda has a friend over) before they begin using anything electronic. Jimmy, who hasn't picked up a book in the 5 years he's been here, was standing next to the playstation by the bookshelf. When I ask him what he is doing he says, "I'm getting a book to read."

Oh puleeease. So, Jimmy is sitting in my office, showered, reading a book right now.

Then I notice that Salinda and her friend had left their coats and shoes by the backdoor. They aren't supposed to leave the house without permission after we're in bed, so when I questioned her about it "they were outside about 11:00 taking pictures." But when I asked to see the pictures, the battery was dead, they only took one, then there were seven, then she deleted them all.

Something was up. And I'll never know for sure what is up.

But if they think I'm going to accept a dumb answer without further questioning they must have short and long term memory loss. Because I ALWAYS ask.

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