Friday, February 02, 2007

What a Day!

My feet have been cold again. I am getting ready to go buy some electric socks or something. Is there such a thing?

After I pounded out emails for the whole morning, my husband and I went on our weekly lunch date (Fridays are his day off) and had a nice time though our conversation led to a few frustrating feelings because we were discussing our oldest son's spending habits and his unwillingness to live within his means, which isn't always a fun conversation.

When I came back I tried to work but my feet were literally so cold they hurt (yes, maybe a space heater would be a good plan). I finally persuaded my hot-blooded husband to lie down with me so I could get warm (and no, nothing happened), but that didn't even work.

Now the oxygen in our home is slowly being sucked away by our teenage daughter who apparently got into an argument with her best (and lately only) friend and is taking it out on us.

In just a few minutes Tony will arrive with an agenda, as we are celebrating his birthday a few days early (it's not until Monday, but we're celebrating tonight. He wants to go to the mall.

So, with three kids in tow, I'm heading to the mall in just a short few minutes, after a short (probably very unpleasant) conversation with my daughter who is not going to want to go to practice because her friend, who she is fighting with, won't be there. Does that make sense? No. But they are 8th grade girls and apparently, being inseparable for too long can lead to some problems.

I'd tell you to wish me luck, but by the time I read your comments, it will be over.

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