Thursday, March 08, 2007

A bunch of unrelated things

Just to let some of you who are concerned know, the person searching the name of one of my kids was local, so it was more than likely someone at least they know and not a birth family member.

These are pictures of Mike on his 18th birthday. He had shaved his head before he ran away last time.

To give you a glimpse of how his mind thinks, we were reminding him that he needed to register for the draft now that he is 18. He said, "I think you can only have 3 tattoos if you want to get in." He looked down at the 12 or so on his arm and said, "I guess I could just turn this into one big one."

And finally, someone found this blog by googling "study on flaming hot cheetos marijuana." Hmmm.

1 comment:

  1. I work with at risk and homeless youth and I cannot tell you how many kids we work with that have the same kind of thinking patterns that your son has. Right now I am working "on call", but last year I was a full time case manager responsible for our apartment program as well as outreach and working with the 10-17 population. At one point I had an 18 yr old in residence who did great for about two weeks and then, for some unkown reason, stopped taking his meds, quit his job(and lied about it), and decided to blow off his probation officer's "rules" and the program rules by having a party at the apartment....of course, being the one that busted him, he ranted and raved that I "hated" him and now it was "my fault" that he would have no place to live, and "how could I live with myself knowing I was throwing him out on the street?" (our program is a voluntary one, and has an automatic dismissal policy when it comes to drug and alcohol use. So, to punish me, he did not send in his financial aid forms for junior college (where he was all set to live on campus in the fall and take classes in automotive repair), even though he would have had a free ride. We are now waiting for him to come back (they usually do) and re-apply again. Hopefully he will, as he has great potential. Have heart, as I can tell you that the kids that do make it through our program are the kids who have families that support them and hold them accountable- even when it is clear that the youth cannot live at home due to behavioral issues. Perhaps there is a similiar program in your area that could be of help to Mike?
