Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Drooling and in Depends

That's where I'm going to be by the time these girls graduate from High School. That, I know for sure. The drama, the ups and downs, the I love her/I hate her/I love her back and forth moodiness is just mind boggling. I wasn't like that, which makes it more difficult for me to understand it. I kept the same two best friends through all of 7th and 8th grade. They were my only friends, but we never "broke up."

We're back to I love her... which is good I guess. But it's taxing trying to keep up.

Since I have 2 daughters (and yes, I'm glad there are only two) I figure that I will be in a mental institution by the time they are both out of high school . . . having lost conscious control of both my saliva and my bladder...

It's amazing that anything as beautiful as these two could push me to that end, but I'm feeling it coming now.

1 comment:

  1. Having been the oldest of three girls I feel for you!!!!Maybe by then they will have invented new products better than depends and maybe they will sell a salvia catcher product. That is my hope for when my girls reach that age!!!
