Monday, March 12, 2007

Sunday Night's YGB Radio Program

Sunday March 18, 2007
You Gotta Believe! The Adopting Teens and Tweens Radio broadcast is hosting another great Radio Support Group show.

This Sunday will be the Teen Support Group. The show will be hosted by Angela Keane and Aileen Rosario. The two young ladies were recently adopted by their mother Mary Keane. We the staff at You Gotta Believe! would like to send out a special congratulations.

Angela and Aileen will host the show and their studio guest will be Jonathan an adolescent in care. During the interview he will discuss his journey from Independent Living into a family, and what that has meant for him, why he rejected a family initially and ventured into the Independent Living program. Jonathan will follow up with what he has learned from that experience and why he believes a family to be important.

This is a live broadcast and you are welcome to call in during the show at (631) 888-8811 if you need support or help.

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