Saturday, March 24, 2007

A surprisingly Good Time

The kids did surprisingly well today. I suggested that we clean the van -- we washed the outside. Then we vacuumed the inside. Then we bought windex and all purpose cleaner and cleaned the inside. We all worked together and it looked a lot better. Then we headed to the panel where we were supposed to speak.

I told the kids before we went in, "Every day we come in and you embarrass me and I try to stop you from doing so to no avail. So, today you can be as bad as you want and I will just explain at the end that this is how you are and they will get a realistic picture of how much you have matured over the last year."

They were really good. I was very surprised. We had an uneventful ride home. Now we're heading to some cheap movie with friends and then pizza out.

Several of us are feeling a little foggy with a head cold, but for the most part the day was much better than I planned for it to be. It's nice to be surprised that way.

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