Monday, March 05, 2007

A Tribute to a Child and a Social Worker

I am rarely moved to tears. I'm just not much of a crier. But right now my heart feels pretty fragile and the tears keep coming.

A couple years ago a social worker sent me the first of many messages about a waiting child. It said, "I also have this little guy. Do you have any families for him? He is the sweetest little guy." And she sent a picture and I went to work. I posted the message, "10 year old African American Boy in Texas".

His worker was so motivated to find him a family. I would send out a message to all the workers and she would send me back a response "do you think they would consider Teddy? (name has been changed).

If my message said, "New York Family seeking boy, any race, up to age 5" she would respond, "Do you think they will take Teddy? He's 12 now, but he looks five" (he had a medical condition).

Every time our office sent out a packet of profiles she would send me back a list of families that said they would take a kid his age and ask me to check with all of them to see if they might take him.

We had him matched a couple of times in the past, but the families always declined after reading the case file. But the worker NEVER gave up.

A few weeks ago the worker told me that she was leaving the agency because her husband had a new job in a different state. Today was to be her last day.

Last week she sent me an email with the subject line "Last Chance." Again a list of families. Again the plea, "Can you see if any of this families would be interested in Teddy?"

This morning I called her to check on something else and wish her well. She said, "I've had the worst morning ever. Teddy died this morning."

It all seems so unjust. She was one of the best workers I've ever dealt with -- so determined, so persistent, so thorough. She did EVERYTHING within her power to convince a family to adopt this little boy. And then, on her very last day, he's gone.

I talk to workers about urgency all the time. I remind them that we can't wait to match these kids. But this is a worker who understood and she got it. She did all she could.

I'm going to print out his picture. I'm going to put it on my wall in front of my desk. He will be my reminder that there are workers out there who do all that they can. He will be my reminder that we do have to do all within our power to find families for children before it's too late. He will be my motivation not to ever give up when trying to match. Teddy is a kid I will never forget, and his worker one whose memory will live on as well.

To the worker: Rest assured, you did all you could. I have never seen anyone more persistent.

and to Teddy: I'm sorry we couldn't find an earthly family to welcome you home. I trust that your new Heavenly Father has welcomed you with open arms and that you will find the sense of belonging you dreamed of as you live with Him forever.


  1. My prayers go out to both Teddy and his worker. We can all be assured that he has his forever family now.

  2. Oh Claudia! Thank you for the reminder that we should never become indifferent or passive! I know in the lives of my children....every moment counts! You are absolutely right his Heavenly Father! Our Lord loved him ALL the time...on earth and in heaven!

  3. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Thanks for sharing this. Blessings to you.
