Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Uneventful Birthday Visit

Spent an hour with MIke today for his birthday. Took him some gifts.. Bart took some pictures (i'll post one later) while Mike and I played pool and foosball. We didn't talk about much of anything.

We did talk to his counselor who isn't recommending his discharge for 3 more weeks -- and then she is recommending a halfway house. We told her we were letting MIke make up his own plan and we were not going to tell him what to do now that he was 18. She isn't thinking he'll succeed here. We aren't either.

So I was somewhat relieved by all this . . . just the idea of him making a plan to come here seals his fate, I'm afraid. His P.O. is planning to give him a curfew if he returns home, and he hasn't been able to follow a curfew in years.

So, in 3 weeks we will have "family week" with him and he will make amends, one of the twelve steps. I know that being a support to him while he is not living in our home has always worked better. Maybe they'll find a place that can help him.

But for now, we have 3 more weeks...

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