Thursday, May 24, 2007

Compounded Pressure

The after school lengthy discussion with two of my children about their confusing lunch line at school that has resulted in over $200 extra in charges for meals was very annoying. The issue I always have with my children is that regardless of the situation the anger is at me.... like I was the one putting extra food on their trays....

In the middle of this lovely conversation the police department called looking for Mike. Apparently he has been spraypainting and fled he scene. I tried to help, but I don't know where he is.

We're also facing some financial pressure and I placed a sibling group of six (which is GREAT news -- ages 5-17, the 17 year old less than a month away from his birthday). But the paperwork for a case like this is enormous. I am feeling quite stressed about all I need to get done and I didn't sleep well.

I'll save the good news for another blog entry when I have time. Why ruin a good whine fest?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Claudia,

    Sorry I haven't visited the blog in a few. This is bad news about Mike, but I guess it's probably expected for someone in his scenario.

    The question is: Is it possible for him to get help without being incarcerated? And is there anything that can be done to reverse the prison-bound trajectory he's on? Perhaps there's a homeless shelter he can stay at as he gets sober. But obviously, he needs to want to get sober in order to get sober.

    Again, he's in the precise situation a lot of FASD kids face as they head into adulthood. I hope his situation ends up better than theirs. Let me know if I can do anything to help!
