Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Doing the Right Thing?

The police officer called tonight. Had Mike in custody. He's got no permanent address. They need to send court paperwork somewhere or else he has to hold him.

I wasn't sure what to do. Was letting him use our address enabling his lifestyle? Was not letting him use it cruel and unusual punishment.

I let them use it. He'll have to call here to see what it says.

Those calls are always such fun ones to try to make when you have a house full of people, including guests, and you're 11 year old is chanting in the background, "We are siamese if you please . . . we are siamese if you don't please."

I told him, "Could you please not sing that song when the police call. They were asking how we were able to find a talking siamese cat."

He replied, "Really???"

1 comment:

  1. I think you did the right thing.

    Giving a permanent address isn't enabling; it's allowing him a shot at a normal life. Like many young people with FASD though, the questionn is "What now?"
