Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Heading Towards the End of the Year

Kari blogged today about structure and transitions and I must confess that I'm not looking forward to the upcoming move towards summer. If yesterday was any indication of how our summer is going to go, I'd like to find a large hole in the ground to crawl into and hibernate until school starts again.

Now that the kids are older you would think they would need less direction and help enterntaining themselves, but the opposite is proving to be true. They bicker and argue and the fight pickers pick and the recipients of the picking fight and scream and they name call and pinch and yell and eat all the time if nobody is watching. Fortunatley we have PCAs this summer, or I would have to take a leave of absense from my job.

In addition, we do not have any money for extras at this point and so entertainment that costs money is not possible. So, I'm goinig to have to be creative, which, in this arena, is not my specialty.

We still have four days this week and three and a half days next week before we're done. I'm really hoping that I can come up with some structure just like Kari's doing. But I'm feeling much more optimistic about her success than mine.

1 comment:

  1. The thought of summer with the kids home scares me. Lucky for us they don't get out until the end of June here in New jersey.
