Tuesday, May 01, 2007

To Remind or Not To Remind

The dilemma of every parent of teens. Either way, you're gonna get yelled at.

If you remind them that they need to do something -- brush their teeth, do their chore, head to bed, do their homework -- you're gonna get it. A look, a sigh, a schreek "I KNOW Mom. I'm not DUMB. Stop treating me like I'm a KID!"

But, if you don't, as evidenced last night by our oldest still at home, technically an "adult." I reminded him about his chore and, since I didn't hear him scream, I should have realized he didn't hear me. But then, later when he had to be told again, he screamed, "WHY DIDN'T YOU REMIND ME??????"

Just another one of a hundred ways you can't win with teenagers.

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