Sunday, May 13, 2007


Last night the person Mike is staying with called. As predicted, he had told her something quite untrue. He told her that we had said to him that he could not talk to us for one month. As you know, that was not quite how things went. I explained a few thingis to her, but we had peope over and the conversation was confusing to say the least.

But last night several unsettling things happened. Dominyk said he saw MIke jumping up to look in my bedroom window in the middle of the night, but that was most likely a dream. The porch door was open -- but that was most likely the wind. There were lots of noises during teh night, but I think it was some of the other kids going to the bathroom.

But it's still unsettling to know that one of our children is very capable and almost predispositioned to break into our home and steal our things. When Bart is here, I know he would deal with it, but when he isn't it falls on me, and there aren't any of my older kids here that would be able to help deal with it.

So..... I made it through the first night. Only five more to go.

1 comment:

  1. Safety first: Have you considered getting a restraining order? An alarm system? Having someone stay with you while Bart's gone?

    Mike sounds so lost, confused, and troubled. I wish for him to find his way without further damaging your family. I also wish for the connection between you not to be broken, or to become beyond repair.
