Friday, June 08, 2007

And it Just Keeps Ringing

Every 5 minutes.

I called and left him a message (in our county, inmates have voice mail apparently) asking him to please not call. But it didn't work.

And I'm waiting for a phone call from Salinda telling me where she is and when she will be home. So far it hasn't come.

So I can't turn off the phone.

I finally called the jail back and asked the receptionist personally to tell him to stop calling. She offered to block our number. But it won't happen for about an hour because she has to do a few things first.

Since she said that he has called 10 times.


  1. When we had occassion to get calls from a prison the recorded message gave us options: press this number to accept the charges; another to refuse the call; a third if we never wanted to receive another call from that facility again.

  2. If it's any consolation, we are getting frequent calls from an inmate as well.

    The only thing is, he's calling for someone who isn't at our number, and we don't know who he is either.

  3. oh claudia, bless your heart, what a difficult time.
