Friday, June 01, 2007


Well, we've just about got 'er done. Kari came over and helped me clean for a while today and then brought me lunch. Tony had so many bloody noses today I had to pick him up again and so he was part of the mix. Bart picked up Kyle who just can't seem to celebrate anything without his own whining fest where he talks about how unsuportive we are and how we never do anything for him. He did it on Salinda's birthday. Now it's time to do it again apparently.

Kari went with Rand and I to the church to set up and get lots of stuff ready there. Then garduation rehearsal for Rand and I picked up kids from school. Bart arrived and picked up the rest of the groceries and went to make sandwiches with Dominyk and Sadie. Right now the house is calm and clean and I'm hoping that will last a while.

I have cramps, a backache and am basically miserable..

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