Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Last Nights Soccer Fun

We had a real good time last night. Bart and I both got to go to Ricardo's soccer game. Jimmy and Dominyk came along and Rand stayed home to take Tony to Boy Scouts for us. The girls stayed home to talk on the phone with no boys around to listen.

We had a really nice trip. Ricardo is a great little player and his team is fun to watch. Everyone was well behaved and had a great time.

Some lines from the night:

"Gizmo is growing his balls back" (I don't think so Dominyk, he's neutered)

"Dad, do you like boys or something" (said every time Bart touched Jimmy's leg)

"Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me" (said by either Bart or I several times)

"All we like sheep" (Sure, Dominyk, go ahead and sing a song from Handel's Messiah)

and Dominyk, enjoying being free for a while from his nemesis, concluded the evening with

"thanks, Mom and Dad. I've had a really great time with everyone tonight. It was a wonderful Tony-free evening."

1 comment:

  1. Out of the mouths of babes. The humor keeps you going there doesn't it. LOL
