Thursday, June 28, 2007

Late Night Phone Mystery

I got so tired of the phone ringing after I went to bed, that I have started to unplug the phone in our bedroom. However, in checking the caller ID, it's been ringing at night.

My first guess is Salinda sneaking phone calls. I will solve that tonight by locking up the other phones. She's been very tired lately, but goes to bed early, so I'm pretty sure she is up in the night doing something.

But my second thought is Mike. For the first couple months that we were here, people were seeing him or we were, almost every day or two. This hasn't happened for almost two weeks. We haven't heard anything and I'm starting to wonder.

So already this morning, only minutes after being out of bed, my mind is churning... how am I going to build character in a daughter who really doesn't care about anything but how she looks and what her friends think, disregarding our rules every chance she can in order to get what she wants?

And where is MIke? Is he OK? Has he left town? Where will he show up next?

And I"ll have to shove all those thoughts deep down into my subconscious so I can answer other questions like, "How am I going to get family A to hang on long enough to get the kid home?" or "How can I find anyone interested in any of the 10 teenagers with mental health issues that one worker sent me yesterday?" or "Who will be on my panel for training in 2 weeks since I forgot to ask people -- and will enough families sign up anyway?" ...

not to mention "how can I get the rest of the kids where they need to be doing what they need to do today?"

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