Monday, June 04, 2007

Might be a First

I didn't blog yesterday. I can't believe it. I started many entries but they never got here.

I came home after church yesterday and literally started a parenting marathon -- the hard, drawn out, difficult stuff that is both annoying and eventually rewarding.

It started out with a long argument with one daughter that lasted nearly three hours, with her stomping off a couple times. Then I moved to a son who had a meltdown that required about an hour, off and on, of my intervention. I concluded the triple header with the other daughter, which basically went from 6 to 10 p.m. back and forth off and on. It was 8 p.m. before I realized that I hadn't even had time to change out of my church clothes, another first for me.

Highlights from the day, however, included:

one of Bart's best sermons this year about suffering producing endurance, endurance, character, and character hope. From Romans chapter five. Excellent;

A couple hours with my friend Sue and her small family in their quiet home;

a break from each daughter as they did thing with friends;

a break from soccer and driving because Bart did that yesterday.

Now I have four days before there is no longer school. Must get a lot done in those four days.

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