Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Not That Big of A World I'm Changing...

I was affirming my husband just now, in an email (yes, we communicate via email), and telling him that he was changing the world.

His one line response was, "It's not that big of a world I'm changing, but it's good enough."

I am one of those folks who believes that the world can be completely changed by one life. When I talk to folks about adopting, I tell them that the child they might adopt from foster care has most likely come from a generational history of drug or alcohol abuse, poverty or homelessness, domestic violence, or crime

In adopting the one child, we show them a new way to live. They now can make a choice. And should they, now that they have viewed a healthy family system, choose to live their lives drug free, choose to work for a living and become homeowners, choose to never verbally or physically abuse another human being, and choose to be law abiding citizens, then there is a great chance that their children might choose the better path. And their children. And their children's children. And generations after that.

We may not see the world changing before our eyes. We might see our contribution as minimal. We might feel, as Bart did today, that I'ts not that big of a world we're changing.

But over the next 200 years, how many lives might be impacted possitively because of the adoption of ONE child? How many generations will be influenced?

I may not see all the results of what I'm doing, but whatever change I make in this world, it's good enough.

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