Sunday, June 10, 2007

Re-Introducing Structure

When we lived in our other town we had more structure. It was more work for us, but I think things were a little less chaotic. After moving here I let some of it go because I figured the kids were older and they could handle it.

But I'm not sure that was a good plan.

So, tonight I introduced charts for the summer. We've never done charts on a consistent basis before, and I was surprised at how motivating it was for the younger kids and how excited they are about them. However, as you may have guessed, our oldest daughter is less than thrilled. "I have to READ?" she asked in horror?

I would have considered making a different standard for her IF she didn't use the other kids as a standard of expectation for herself. She doesn't have to do her chore right because the younger kids don't. She doesn't have to eat in the kitchen, because the younger kids don't.

So, if they are her excuse, then she can follow the expectations set there.

So, we have just about survived another day. It's 9 p.m. and I wish I was already asleep.

This has nothing to do with the topic, but Bart preached a sermon this morning and tied yesterday's blog post about his visit to jail into the idea that God always loves us and never gives up on us. It was amazingly powerful and many were in tears.

Another full day. I hope it's another long, restful night.

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