Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Reflections on a Year Gone By

Today we celebrate one year in our new hometown. A year ago today we were packing the trucks and heading to a new life. We had no idea what was ahead.

Someone asked me today if I had decided I was glad we moved. It probably wasn't a good day to ask me, but I still have to say that my pro and con list is about even. There are so many things we love about our new home and so many things we miss about our old one.

I can't believe it's been a whole year. It really went by fast.


  1. From someone who considers herself a friend in your "new hometown", I'm sure glad you moved here! Don't know how I would have gotten through this past year without you (or your family)! You have shared so much with me and my family and we thank you all!

  2. 1 whole year already??? WOW. I have been reading your blog since you moved.
