Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sometimes You Just Can't Take It Anymore

Tony swears at me non-stop. Trying to make him stop has proven to be near impossible. I'm not going to ask you for ideas as to how to stop it. We've found that ignoring it most of the time probably works best.

A couple weeks ago, when our new "grandkids" were here, Shaquille heard Tony call me fat a** and his eyes got huge. I said, "Shaquille, where would you be if you called your mama that?"

His response was pretty hilarious for a child who is 12: "Six feed unda da ground."

Then again last night when everyone was here he started cussing again and Kim (the mom) looked and Shaquille and said, "Son, if you did that to me, would you need braces?"

"No, ma'am, cuz I wouldn't have no teef!"

This morning Tony started in on me again. Cussing six or seven times in a minutes time, everything directed at me. I was holding a large glass of ice water and before I could stop myself, the water was flying through the air. He was in an outfit I had already told him he couldn't wear, so it didn't matter to me that he got wet, and boy did it make me feel better. He swore again immediately, but I had some satisfaction.

Now before you start looking up child protection statutes, please note that most of the water didn't even land on him, he suffered no pain, and he was in no way mistreated.... but the whole thing reminds me of a meal at an Arbys a year or two ago.

We were all trying to have a nice meal. I probably had 5 or 6 kids with me alone and everyone else was acting like a decent human being. Except Tony. He was pushing every button that everyone had. He was on the very edge of my absolute last nerve when it was time to go. He said something completely rude to me as I was picking up the glass of water on the table to throw it away.

Knowing he was not wanting to create a scene, I figured I had my chance. Without even glancing around, I dumped the glass of water into his lap and left the restaurant with the other kids. In a few minutes he sheepishly came out to the van. Did his behavior change? Of course not. But again, it made me feel better.

I'm sure there are many (my spouse included) that will shake their heads that I would blog these things, but I guess if Tony gets wet once every two years and I remain sane, maybe it's a good trade off. But sometimes you just can't take it anymore.


  1. claudia, you just crack me up. and i need to smile! thank you. that is nothing the rest of us don't get the urge to do from time to time!

  2. I agree you are a hoot!!!You made laugh out loud today!! Maybe you should throw ice water on him everyime then maybe he will quit or be really clean!
