Friday, June 22, 2007

Tidbits from My Day

**Riding the skytram with the cutest 6 month old baby ever, and watching his mother kiss than 50 times in the 12 minute ride and watching his dad make faces at him from across the aisle and thinking, "Wow, this is the start every kid should get. This is what prevents Reactive Attachment Disorder. It always thrills me anymore to see an attached infant or toddler, something I took for granted for years.

**Seeing women much larger than I wearing much less than I and wondering WHY!?!? I keep my body well covered. I see it as a humanitarian act.

**Sitting next to the absolute nicest older (like 30s or 40s) soldier who treated me with respect and dignity, even though I had a middle seat. Never once did he sigh or groan at my size, he took my bag down for me without, me asking, and he commented on how the airplane sure didn't provide any of us with space. I wasn't sure how to express my gratitude adequately, so I didn't say anything.

**Walking several miles through airports, going through security checks, being cramped in very small spots, and feeling the weight of my laptop at my shoulder wondering why in the world I used to think traveling was glamorous.

**Nearly missing the shuttle and the combination of having to wait for me to go to the bathroom and having to listen to me eat a bag of cashews, the only food I had had since 6 a.m., seemed to annoy the shuttle driver.

**Arriving home to a husband who missed me and kids who kinda did and an immeidate 5 request -- can _____ spend the night? Can _______ come over? Can I have your pop?"

**Coming home to 9 phone messages and an inbox that, even after working on it all week while I was go, has 85 messages that need answering.

**Grateful to be home, to be safe, to be loved...

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