Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Time is Flying and it's NOT because I'm having Fun

This is literally the first moment I have had to sit at the computer with online access today.

I got up and got Tony and Dom ready for 8 and 9 o'clock therapy appointments that I thought Rand would be transporting them to as he will not get another job (got laid off from his last one). However, he is at a District Missions Camp and so I had to do it. We got home and it was time for reading time. Then it was meltdown time for Dominyk.

We're trying to juggle transportation for everyone and everything in addition to both our jobs. The PCAs are a huge help in the afternoon, but mornings are tricky.

I can't say that I'm enjoying summer. I did get an hour and a half in at the therapists office. I'm sure they think I'm an idiot for working there, but when I sit there for 4-6 hours a week it's kind of a must.

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