Saturday, June 30, 2007

Virtual Whining

It's the night before our youngest four children and their father head to church camp. That means I'm scurrying to find everything they need. It doesn't matter how many times I've done this, I still end up scrambling the night before when I'm too exhausted and frustrated to deal with it all.

I think I just about have them done. Two of the four can pretty much pack themselves by now, but the youngest two with their myriad of issues sure cannot. I had to make a Walmart run at 9:00 p.m., something I don't like to do, to pick up last minute things.

Bart is paying bills, which lately for us, is not a fun adventure, so he will undoubtedly be less than happy when he comes up to bed. I have cramps and a back ache and am not interested in even moving from this chair, much less cleaning off the bed (which of course, served as packing point central). But those two things will have to happen before I can sleep.

Just think -- a couple decades ago if I were this crabby and alone, i'd either have to call someone or invite somone over to listen to me whine.

Now I can come, anytime, alone to my computer and whine all over a couple hundred people who are sitting out there just waiting to see what pathetic ponderings I can prolifically produce.

Ah the joy of virtual whining.

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