Monday, July 09, 2007

Back into a Routine

Last week was a VERY long week. With four kids starting the week at camp, our trip to Sioux Falls to see John, and no summer school or PCAs all week, it was disjointed, chaotic, and exhausting. Today we get back into a routine. I have not blogged in detail the escapades of our oldest daughter because she does not want me to mention her here. She could care less if what I write helps other adoptive parents or if it serves a purpose in the world. If it embarassses her, then of course, since the world revolves around her, it should not be in print.

My advice to her, if she should stumble across this, is to stop doing things that embarass you and I'll have nothign to write.

Last night I caught her climbing out of her window at 11:00, which resulted in her taking off down the street. She came back to report that she would be back at 3:00 a.m. I threatened her with enough consequences to convince her to at least pretend to come back in and go to bed. She's probably been doing this more often than I think and the adrenaline that pumps through my body after trying to reason with her hateful and spiteful self in the middle of the night keeps me awake long after she's settled down.

Her situation is a tricky one. I'm not sure how to best consequence her to get her in line without pushing her so far that she thinks she has no choice but to rebel. But right now the whole thing is nothing but exhausting.

When we moved here, we knew she would be the one to suffer the worst -- moving a girl between seventh and eighth grade is bound to induce some trauma. But we really didn't know how how bad it would get. Right now, God's intervention seems to be the only thing that will turn this around, because I've tried everything I can think of.

So to that end we pray.

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