Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bra Straps and Boxers

So, can some body please tell me why it is imperative for the youth of today to show the world their undergarments? I am constantly telling some of the boys to pull up their pants, and I guess the only way to be in style these days is to have at least 6 bra straps showing which, would have been unheard of back in the day -- first of all, because it was improper, and secondly, because we ONLY WORE ONE BRA. (I know, I know, don't even bother to explain to me that some of them are tank tops, yada yada, because I already know it all and have heard it again... and again... and again.

I will not explain further except to say that my daughter just pushed me beyond the limit through an ongoing fit about a tank top. I have pieces of the lace in my teeth and the ripped up tank is in the trash.

I'm not sure if I should be ashamed or proud.

Ever had pieces of tank top stuck in your teeth?


  1. I won't let our daughter dress like "sluts on parade" either.

    Good for you.

  2. claudia, you are hysterical!!! i wish i "knew" you! i do agree with the whole bra thing. i thought it was my age, good to hear you agree!

  3. They do look like they are running around in underwear! lol Even the shirts that are to be worn on the outside have little straps and lace that make them look like lingerie. It is a bit unnerving. I just have one son that does the sagging. If he does it around me I grab his boxers and he jumps and yells. Gotta keep him on his toes. I was much more strict with my birth kids...#1, 2, 3, and 4 but then came the adopted kids and boy do I pick my battles. So hard.

  4. LOL I was folding laundry for someone who had a death in their family, and there was a little spaghetti-strap top, big enough for maybe a nine-year-old girl, maybe younger. It had a little bra sewn right into it – - WITH straps that showed! What sense does that make? It's like a "learn to show your bra straps" outfit. It's really insane.

    I didn't eat it, though. :)
