Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Day In The Van

Well, not really. In and out of the van.

Bart took a kid to therapy this morning so I could get everyone off to summer school. Then I had a meeting from 11:15 to one.

Bart did 1:00 drop offs. I am doing 1:45 pickups and 2:00 dropoffs.

Then I am doing a 3:00 meet and drop off.

Then a 3:45 pickup, a 4:00 drop off, a 4:15 meeting to last until 4:45 drop offs and 5:00 pickups, all which need to be done by me, because the 3:00 meet and drop off involves dropping off the car and we're down to one decent vehicle.

Guess we missed Rand's willingness to serve as a taxi more than we thought. It will be nice to have him back in town.

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