Saturday, July 21, 2007

A Question For Today

For all of you who either do foster care or have adopted, I thought I'd start helping us all to get to know each other and also help those who are thinking about doing what we consider our passion.

I thought I'd pose a question for you to answer.

You can either answer it on your own blog and I will link it, or you can answer in the comments section.

Looking back on your adoption journey, what is one thing you would do differently? (Or, if you can't narrow it down to one, write the top five, or top three, or top two... or whatever.)

If you could start over, what would you do differently?

I did this in regards to one of my children a few months back and it was helpful to me and hopefully to others.

So, give it a go .... as they would say in some other country.


  1. the biggest thing that i would have done is to secure more services for my children. because they were infants when adopted, the worker said, although they were diagnosed at birth, they were not symptomatic enough to secure services.

  2. Karen wrote me an email and gave me permission to post this:

    If I had to do our adoption over again, I wouldn't have been so afraid of our county social services. Between the moment of taking our girls in to our home and the moment our adoption finalized, I walked on eggs because our county made us feel that if we were not on our best behavior, they would place the girls elsewhere. We blindly accepted any corny answer the social worker gave us as reasons for our girls' behaviors, we signed the adoption assistance paperwork without questioning it, (We were handed it and told, "Agree and sign now or your finalization date will be delayed."), and we allowed our county to finalize without giving us a social history. (We were told that we'd be given it later. We weren't.) It's been a long struggle getting the proper labels for our girls on our own. (I believe in labels. They make my life easier.) And now, since we do finally have the labels, we are being told by our county social worker that she can not change the subsidy.

    ...and there you have my short version.
