Monday, July 16, 2007

They Keep You Up at Night until they Get Older and Then They Do It Again

Oh those days with babies -- so long ago -- when we got woken up in the night -- bad dreams, wet diapers, hunger, thirst, whatever it might be -- those days are long gone. They grew up and started sleeping through the night so you could too.

And then ten years later the cycle repeats itself. Curfews for teens later than their bedtimes, friends over giggling into the night, friends who can't respect the "no calls after 10 rule", sneaking out and sneaking kids in, music too high, voices too loud, and above all, the need to go out in the night and pick someone up.

I'm staying up so that I can go get Rand from his missions trip and they are arriving 2 hours later than planned, so I'm having to stay up 2 hours later than planned.

Some day, when I'm old, I'm going to go to bed at 8:00 if I want.

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