Sunday, July 29, 2007

Well, It Hadn't Quite Ended Yet When I Wrote Last Night's Post

I thought the night had ended well, but then I was online and saw some things that disappointed us about one of our children. How's that for vague? But it's an ongoing issue with this particular child, so we had a lengthy discussion about it and thus went to bed later than planned. Combined with this and the fact that Mike has also seen Salinda, in addition to his confrontation with Rand, bring us back into reality.

Not only so, but we began a series of lasts. Last time we woulc go to sleep together without kids to put to bed first for quite some time. Last time I could lie in bed until I wanted to get up for months probably. We're getting ready to have brunch out alone, another one that won't happen again for who knows how long.

And we aren't going to be in church this morning -- which is something that happens once every 4 or 5 years... trying to balance the guilt with the logistics ... I don't know how some people simply choose not to go some weeks. I'm feeling like maybe we should have looked until we found a very early service ...

We'll be heading for brunch out and the airport soon. It's been a great trip.

Last night we heard from Kyle that Ricardo lost their first state tournament soccer game. The second is tonight and we're hoping to make it to at least part of the game after we fly in.

So, we're on the downside of the trip, facing the challenges that lie at home. We're grateful that to nothing too horrible has happened, at least that we know about, and we're looking forward to getting back into routine again. We now face a full month with nothing scheduled except getting ready to go back to school and the beginning of tennis practice for Salinda, possibly some soccer or football for Ricardo... It's going to be a long month.

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