Monday, July 02, 2007

When you Know Something is UP...

you just wait long enough and they'll bury themselves.

I was talking on the phone tonight on my way home with another adoptive parent about one of my kids. I said, "I know somehting is up, but I can't put my finger on it. But I figure after a while, I'll bust them.

And sure enough, when I walked in tonight it happened. I caught 'em and that was that.

I'm being vague on purpose, but I basically found someone here who wasn't supposed to be here. No kids are allowed in the house when I'm not home, and one was here.

So I kicked the kid out and am now in the process of negotiating appropriate consequences with the offender.

But like I said, if you're patient enough you don't have to be all that hypervigilant.

You just have to wait and it will all show itself in the end.

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