Thursday, August 09, 2007

Earlier Start to the Day

Jimmy and Rand have someone hiring them to work this morning so they were up at 8 -- Sadie and Dominyk are already awake, leaving on Ricardo and Salinda here.

Salinda and I went another round last night and I won. She might not know it, but I did, because I got everything I wanted from her before she got to do what she wanted. It's amazing my blood pressure remains consistently low.

Mike showed up long enough to have supper out last night with us but I am consistently having to bite my tongue at his lack of appreciation and his attitude. I'm trying to talk to him as little as possible as my words have always made him rebel or shut down. I don't know if it's my communication style, tone of voice, or what, but it's almost like opening my mouth turns on a switch inside him.

Been missing Tony...even though I know his return to the house will cause chaos.

Feeling a little better this morning. Am getting a few things done and the weight of those things off my back is nice. I may actually make it tonight without Nyquil -- sure hope so as my bottle is gone...

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