Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ending the Day

Having a hard time getting folks to settle down and go to bed. Both Tony and Dom slept a little this afternoon so they are not tired. Salinda, even though she realizes she's taking a huge risk by leaving again, is waiting for a ride and as been for over an hour. (She has to go six days without money, without rides from us except to sports, school and church, and most importantly, without the ability to earn money from us, which is important to us. If she doesn't come in on time tonight, I"ll add more days. She's hoping to get a cell phone when I switch plans to get my Iphone, but she may not get paid enough from a watering job she has right now to pay her debt from the last time she had a cell phone.) I know there are those of you who think she should be grounded, but grounding isn't going to teach her the fundamental skill she needs right now -- to be able to do the right thing when she has freedom).

Rand and Jimmy just got into a shouting match over who turned the channel on the TV and their deep 19 and almost 16 year old voices are quite annoying when they argue about things toddlers choose to squabble about.

I'm not regretting having a short nap today as I'm not at my wits end right now, which I would be if I had not.

Tomorrow some of us are going to see John and spend the night with some good friends. I'm looking forward to seeing them and to spending time with John as well.

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