Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hard to Keep Up

Hard to keep you posted when so many things going on.

Firs tof all, Salinda had her doctors appointment and then we went to therapy together. I offered to compromise some things and I really think I came out ahead. I agreed to some of the things that she asked me for. She agreed to some of the things I asked her for.

We'll see where it goes, but for now she is at least being somewhat cooperative and respectful.

At 4:50 (locks to be changed at 5) Mike showed up to dump his stuff here because he has nowhere to put it. He has one more load that he left to go get at 4:57. He's happy go lucky and carefree as always -- even though I'm not sure he knows where he is sleeping tonight.

We're defintely around the sharp curve, or heading up the mountain. Life is calmer. Hopefully it will be for at least a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you Fletchers are hard to keep up with.

    Did you get my email? I'm gonna go ahead and submit this since I didn't hear back, cool?
