Sunday, August 19, 2007

Home for a Moment -- who knows what else

Salinda came home long enough to call me and tell me that she is not grounded......

I dont' know if she stayed home or not.

I'm at a Culver's having supper with the kids. Then on to Sioux Falls.

Hopefully she's not going to push me....


  1. As far as the sneaking out goes, have you guys ever tried an alarm system? Or at the very least, the door and window alarms they sell at Target/Wal-Mart? I don't know if that would stop her from leaving but at least you'd know if she left and you'd possibly be able to stop her before she got off the property. Just an idea from a mom with a 15 year old that sounds a lot like Salinda!

  2. we have tried alarm systems in the past. The ones that are cheaper are so easy to destroy... and we can't afford a complete one right now.

    But we may have to eventually take this step.
