Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I wanted to clarify something from my post about the church and adoption. Basically I wanted to clarify this:

I am not saying that all Christians should adopt. What I am saying is that we look like hypocrites when we, being Christians, say that there are groups who should not be allowed when we ourselves are not adopting.

It's the talking about who shouldn't be able to adopt that irks me more than anything. And again, if you'll read my post, I give you freedom, once you have adopted an older child or sibling group, to make any statement you would like to about adoption and what kind of families should be adopting.

I'm not sure where I read it, but somewhere lately I read that there are many who really are "pro-birth" or "right to be born" advocates as opposed to "pro-life" or "right-to-live" advocates. Because if we are unwilling to step up to the plate and adopt children who are born and give them quality of life, then really what we are doing is being advocates for the right to be born, not for the right to have quality life.

I began my experiment by sending links to every pastor and staff member at two of our largest chruches in my town explaining how I wanted to see the church step up to the plate. I sent out about 20 emails, as each church has about 10 people listed as staff members on each website.

I am ashamed. I have not received even one response to my plea. But I'm not going to give up.

What about you? If you go to church, can you talk to your pastor about mentioning adoption in a service between now and November 30th? I'll add that piece of news to my church and adoption blog.

1 comment:

  1. We are UUs and our church has discussed adoption in service before. I am having lunch with the President of our congregation later this week and I will be sure to mention it. She rocks and I am sure she will be open to doing it again.
