Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I Have to Confess

that I am feeling a tad bit better. Not great, but at least not like I'm in a foggy tunnel with no light at the end. I have at least had energy today to deal with the crisis at work, which is a good thing.

I still have a headache, and I'm still coughing like a smoker with emphezema on a bad day, but at least i'm not feeling as if hope is non existent.

So that is good news.

More updates from the daily grind:

Tony may have lime disease from a deer tick bite. Bart's mom took him to urgent care.

I had a mini meltdown in attempting to explain my frustrations with the way Salinda is choosing to treat me this morning. I'm not sure it had any impact, but it made me feel better.

Jimmy decided to leave this morning, unshowered and in dirty clothes, so he is waiting to hear his consequences.

Sadie is going to accompany me to the coffee shop after my meeting with the county (a routine one for the kids MA I've already filled out the huge booklet of paperwork. Sadie has been so sweet and loving this summer that i have felt bad about not spending mroe time with her. So we're going to go to the coffee shop -- she'll bring a book and I"ll be working, but we'll have a snack and enjoy our time together.

Dominyk and Jimmy had a fun time at Minnesota Vikings Training Camp this morning. Got autographs and everything. Dominyk's PCA took them.

Rand is being quite cooperative this week. Since he won't get a job, I'm having him work for me. His being broke and umemployed is causing him much less stress than his being broke and unemployed is causing me.

That's all for the moment.

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