Monday, August 20, 2007

LIke a Calgon Bath for the Soul

Do you have people in your lives who are a calming presence? People who you have known so long that they are embedded in your soul and that just being with them reminds you of who you are and who you should be and who you wish to become?

Twenty-two years ago I met a couple like this. He, in the computer department at the University where I was a hall director, she a stay at home mom of two kids, one by birth, the other by adoption, then about 9 and 12. The family attended the church I was becoming a part of and the first night I met them the Dad offered to pay for me to head to a movie with the college and career group when I attended my first church event - the annual church picnic. I declined, but from that moment on I knew these were incredible people.

We began our 22 year (so far) journey together on that day and it went on to include our paths crossing multiple times. For three years I coached their son in Bible Bowl. I had multiple Sunday dinners at their home. I did a lot of dishes in their kitchen. My friends and I hung out there and played cards. And then I moved away.

But I couldn't stay away -- and each time that I returned to Brookings, SD I would spend time at their house, inviting many of my old friends to join me there. I spent several weeks there as I was out speaking and raising money for my missions stint in Mexico.

After Bart and I were married and had 2 foster kids, Bart officiated at the wedding of their daughter. He baptised their first grandchild. When we moved about 75 miles from them, we tried to see them often, but didn't get together as much as we should have.

And last night five of my children spent the night at their home. I am now older than they were when I first met them. But we still were invited to hang out at their house, spend the night, and have an incredible breakfast. Mutual friends came over for an hour and we visited as if we had never been apart.

Last night, sleeping in their home in a bed I have slept in many times in the last 22 years, in various stages of my life -- young, naive, single..... a newleywed .... a new mother .... and now a mother of teens -- I thought of their presence in my life being like my insides being bathed in warm oil.

it reminded me of the metaphor used by the psalmist in Psalm 133:

Psalm 133

A song of ascents. Of David.

1 How good and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in unity!
2 It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron's beard,
down upon the collar of his robes.

3 It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the LORD bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore.

Their presence in my life, their servants hearts, their welcoming spirits, their gift of hospitality, their love for us and our children, their ministry to us.... like warm oil.... like a calgon bath for my soul.

There are foundational people in my life ... people who have made me who I am and who continue to remind me of all I can be. And no matter how long it's been since we've seen each other, it's like we've never been apart.

SO coming back home to face what I have to face, I did so strengthened by the fact that I allowed my soul to be "taken away" with the calgon bath of old friends.

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