Friday, August 03, 2007

Seeing Through a Fog

I finally did go to the doctor yesterday and got some medication. I tried to sleep in late this morning, but basically just had to lie there, my own coughing and wheezing keeping me awake. I finally got up, but I'm feeling a little bit like I'm living in a fog and I just can't seem to do better. All week I've been trying to get things done and I can't seem to do it. Yesterday I worked several hours but sure didn't get much done. My intentions were good, but that's about it.

When I get caught in these fogs of stress or illness I run on autopilot and often don't realize how negative I am becoming. I share my pain and not my joy.

Yesterday we took some time to spend with 3 of the 4 youngest kids who were the only ones home. We went to see No Reservations which was actually a pretty good movie. Sadie, who loves cooking, thought the show was awesome. Dominyk said he liked it. Ricardo, in his classic four word sentence just said, "It's a GIRL movie."

During the times when the little girl was missing her mom, who dies early in the film, Sadie was snuggling extra close to me and when we left the movie Dominyk said, "I would hate it if mom died." He and Bart continued the conversation about how sad that would be.

So in the midst of all the stress and strain of the daily grind in a life like ours, the blessings always outweigh the stress. A few moments of joy each day can help the memories of the stress disappear....

So last night as we watched our movie and went out to eat, there was joy.

And so as I stumple through the fog of my stress and bronchitis, I may not always blog the good stuff. In fact, in looking back, there are seasons of time when I don't post nearly enough good stuff.

ANd today I'm realizing it and trying to see the joy through the fog...

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