Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sleepy but Quite the Shopper

I'm tired. Those two hours of sleep, well maybe 3, were NOT enough. I'm dragging.

I did take Ricardo and Sadie to get some school shopping done. As of today everyone but Tony and Salinda are done with everything but shoes. One of the hats I've worn in my life when a High School Jr and Sr was Associate #269 at the University Hills JCPenney in Denver. I don't even know if it is still even a store, but back then I learned when the best sales are. And today and tomorrow are great deals. Today we went for sale items, today we will go for clearance. I always have the goal of saving twice as much as I spend.

I gave Salinda a two paged typed note with .5 margins and 12 point times font explaining her consequences. She has not spoken to me. I doubt she will until she desperately needs something. I know that I am too tired to try to talk to her today. So the note got my points across. I'm hoping when Bart comes home I'll be able to take a nap. I'm just exhausted.

Parenting Teens. Heavy Sigh. I'm sure it's nothing different than what anyone else with teens goes through. But I have you to whine to whereas others don't.

My losing sleep last night seems to have caused a bit of a relapse in my bronchitis/cough that is now heading toward it's fifth week.....

I know, whine, whine, whine.

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